Monday 2 September 2013

Challenger Series


I'm talking about one of Capcom's earliest mascots. That being Captain Commando!

Wait a minute! Who's that guy on the left? Well my friends that's Captain Commando! Long before his stint in beat 'em up games, and the Marvel vs. Capcom series, he was a mascot. For what you say? From the years 1986 to 1988 the captain on the left would appear on packaging and the instruction manuals for various Capcom games on the NES.
Those games came to be known as the CHALLENGER SERIES.

And boy, are those games indeed challenging. You have not only 1942, but one of THE hardest Nes games, Ghosts N' Goblins. Holy. Added to the bunch are Commando, Gun Smoke, Trojan and you have quite the hard set of games there! (And yes, save for 1942 which I do not own I beat all the others.) And let us not forget the wonderful franchise that was started way back in 1987, I'm talking about Mega Man. 

Captain Commando and his Challenger series would reappear in 1989, but this time, his look was changed to a more modern looking man. With him was his little alien companion. This series of games were reduced in number, 4 as appose to 7. Those games were Willow, Mega Man 2, Strider, and Duck Tales.


That about wraps things up here. Hope you had some fun checking out the other iterations of Captain Commando. I really do wish Capcom would get off their asses and redo a new Captain Commando game. That would be too sweet. Hell, they could add in the other 2 Commando's as secret characters (most likely, as DLC but that is a rant for another day). 

In the meantime, in between time!
-Will ^>^

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